MAFIZ Malaga Work in Progress is coming with the participation of 12 projects in online format
The industry zone’s event geared at projects from Spain, Portugal and Latin America will be held from 20th May to 11th Junio.
The industry zone’s event geared at projects from Spain, Portugal and Latin America will be held from 20th May to 11th Junio.
The event will be held within the framework of MAFIZ, the Malaga Film Festival’s industry area, with the collaboration of ICAA and ICEX
The event will present proposals from twelve countries, with the objective of showcasing the diversity of the Latin American audiovisual industry
Due to the circumstances caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the event reduces financing requirements for projects presented to this edition of MAFF
The selected creators will face a series of audiovisual challenges culminating at a face-to-face laboratory in autumn
Registration for this year’s edition, to be held from the 8th to the 11th of Junio, is open until the 31st of March
Registration for this edition, to be held from 9th to 11th June, is open from today until March 5th
The participants will have to face audiovisual challenges in order to ensure their participation in the festival’s 24th edition.