MAFIZ (Malaga Festival Industry Zone) the main objective of this is fostering dissemination and promotion of the Ibero-American cinematography,

Malaga Festival with an international growing presence and highly valued by the cinematographic global scenario, launched several audiovisual events designed to boost networking amongst the European and Ibero-American professionals:

- Spanish Screenings: Designed as the international promotion platform with the main objecting of fostering the international sales of Spanish cinema.

La Village del Mar, located on the Mafiz's main venue in Malaga, will be the venue for presentations, conferences, networking, as well as, the meeting point for the Ibero-American Film Institutes and Spanish Film Commissions.

La Village del Mar offers MAFIZ guests, attendees and partners the opportunity to meet and build a series of cultural bridges aimed to turn MAFIZ into the landmark of Spanish cinema.

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