The MALAGA TALENT CAMPUS driven by Antonio Banderas, honorary president of Malaga Festival gathers twenty emerging young talents from the Latin American and European audiovisual sector with the objective of providing them with tools to demolish creative frontiers and boost a collaboration network amongst them.

In order to achieve the aforementioned objectives the MALAGA TALENT CAMPUS has developed a programme based on training sessions conducted by renowned experts, as well as, a series of networking activities involving the different MAFIZ industry events and the Malaga Festival.

Ten intensive training sessions focused on the development of creative links and business relations divided in three specific areas:

By the hands of four mentors specialized in audiovisual creation, participants will learn new narrative techniques and benefit from a personalized analysis of their projects. They will have also the opportunity to exchange and analyze their fellowâ??s projects, sharing points of views, experiences, giving advice or putting their ideas together.

Through the analysis of case studies young talents will approach real facts and how important is interconnection for a production team; they will learn also about basic guidelines when looking for financing, with a special focus on the production of debut films and international coproductions.

From how to present a project, setting up strategies on a short, medium and long term to giving priority to the local and international distribution of an audiovisual work, participants will join the MAFIZ activities to learn about the different stages involved in the funding, distribution, marketing and promotion processes.

The three units include training and hands-on sessions from both, the general point of view of an audiovisual process or the marketing tools, and the analysis of case studies. Thus, the campus talents with a major degree in any area will get a global vision of an audiovisual project, from the idea to its public dissemination.

In order to be eligible for the MALAGA TALENT CAMPUS, participants must have the endorsement of the film institute, film school or an international film festival from their country of origin. Also, they will have to present an audiovisual project in the first stage of development.

This year, we have adhered to Maff´s social initiatives and given priority, amongst selected applicants, to participants from areas that are far from the most important urban centres, thus providing more opportunities to young people who have difficulties accessing audio-visual training programmes.


To be part of the MALAGA TALENT CAMPUS, an activity encompassed by MAFIZ and Malaga Festival, applicants must comply with the following requirements:

- Maximum age is 28
- Spoken and written Spanish at a mid-high level
- Spoken and written English at a mid-high level
-Previous experience in the following audiovisual areas:

- Production
- Direction
- Cinematography
- Film editing
- Sound Design & Music composition
- Script Writing

-Full Availability to attend all the events

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