Hack MAFIZ Málaga has announced a new call for applications!

Participate in the third edition of Hack MAFIZ Malaga and travel to the Malaga Film Festival.

Following the resolution of creative challenges, twenty finalists will be selected to travel to Malaga to participate in MAFIZ 2024. 
Hack is the Festival's section  devoted to new audiovisual creators  who want to explore other media such as Spotify, YouTube, X, Instagram, Tiktok, Twitch, gaming and other on demand platforms. 


1. Call for Applications


Fill out the Hack MAFIZ registration form in order to receive the creative challenges.

I want to participate

2. Challenges

From December to February

De octubre a enero tendrás que resolver online tres desafíos colaborativos de creación de contenido.


rom December to February

Once the challenges are over, 20 winners will be selected to travel to the Malaga Film Festival and participate in MAFIZ.

  • To be between 18 and 35 years of age
  • To have skills to form part of teams that create audiovisual content: script, performance, storytellers, edition, sound, animation, art direction, direction, photography.
  • To have finished all of the creative challenges that you will be sent after filling out the form.
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