The 19th edition of Spanish Screenings Content will be held on the 18th, 19th and 20th of March 2025.
During the three days of the market, international buyers, sales agents, VOD-SVOD platform managers, festival programmers, digital creation platforms, national and international distributors and foreign producers will have the latest in Spanish production all at their disposal. Similarly, delegates from the Spanish audiovisual industry will have the opportunity to access multiple networking and negotiation opportunities for their audiovisual works.
Furthermore, we are making our platform available, the reference site for sales agents, festival programmers, producers, distributors, new platforms, local and international press and other agents involved in the Spanish and international audiovisual sector.
In selecting the works for the different sections of the event, the Spanish Screenings Content committee will especially consider the following criteria: that the works have not been previously shown in the national territory; that they have received regional or state aid; that they are stories with potential for international success, and that they are first and second works. Additionally, in the configuration of the different sections, special attention will be paid to gender equality and diversity in terms of direction and production.
The activities that will be carried out in this edition are the following:
Screening sessions at the Multicines Rosaleda where international buyers and programmers of international festivals will be able to watch recently produced Spanish films. Priority will be given to films from the last quarter of 2024 and the first quarter of 2025 and those with little exposure in other international markets.
There will be space for three private screenings of productions that have not been released in any other international market (essential requirement) and with the participation of the artistic talent of the works (exclusive service for Spanish sales agents).
Screenings of our most innovative and unconventional cinema. Films that do not have an international sales agent and new forms of cinematic expression that are emerging in Spain will be presented.
Screening of a selection of Spanish films in competition in the Official Section and ZonaZine of the festival for international buyers, distributors and programmers.
Screening of trailers or film footage of films in the post-production stage that are to be released in 2025-2026. Trailers must be at least 5 minutes long and no longer than 20 minutes.
Online platform for viewing Spanish films and television series produced from the last quarter of 2022 by those responsible for the acquisition, distribution and programming of international festivals.
A day dedicated to the booming format for selling Spanish audiovisuals, with the participation of leading international producers who specialise in the acquisition of remake rights and who will discuss which are the most suitable IPs for a remake, of which are the determining aspects for the acquisition of these rights, the development process, budgets or box office results, among others.
A space intended for the promotion, dissemination and distribution of the most recent and relevant short films in our industry.
HACK MAFIZ MÁLAGA: event for digital creators and platforms with new technological formats. A breeding ground for talent in the audiovisual industry.
A space designed to promote the completion of Spanish films in the post-production stage and thus encourage their international dissemination and promotion.
Platform for the promotion and dissemination of the cinematography of the different Spanish autonomous communities. A space for Spanish film institutes to promote the films that they once supported for both their development and production.
Space for the different autonomous communities to present their locations, filming support plans, tax advantages and incentives from their respective regions.
SPAIN ScoreCom
In order to highlight the various roles of the audiovisual industry, Spain ScoreCom is an online space created with the promotion of emerging Spanish musical talent in mind. Musical creation professionals in the audiovisual industry who attend the market will have various opportunities to establish synergies in networking events or other opportunities offered by the market.
Networking event held on screening days at 1:30 p.m. at the Multicines Rosaleda to promote viewing and networking between acquisition managers or programmers of international festivals and sales agents or production companies that present films.
The different means of participation are detailed below:
Exclusive space for international sales agencies and distributors located in a preferential access area with greater visibility. Subject to availability and the organisation's criteria. Sales agents must have at least 25 titles in their portfolio and present at least 3 new titles each year in the Market Screenings section.
? Preferential location.
? Priority in screenings at the Multicines Rosaleda.
? Identification with the logo and corporate image of each company.
? The stand includes a plasma television, work area, furniture and a storage space with a key.
? Promotion of the company's line-up on and social networks.
? 3 industry accreditations.
? Preferential access to the list of companies with confirmed acquisitions and sending of periodic updates.
? Free registration of titles in the online video library.
? Wi-Fi service.
? Access to the event's networking activities.
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2. BASIC STAND 1 (4 m²)
Exclusive space for Spanish sales agents.
? Identification with the logo and corporate image of each company.
? The stand includes a plasma television, work table, three chairs and a lockable storage space.
? Promotion of the company's line-up on and social networks.
? Two access badges.
? Preferential access to the list of companies with confirmed acquisitions and sending of periodic updates.
? Free registration of up to 10 titles in the online video library.
? Wi-Fi service.
? Access to the event's networking activities
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3. BASIC STAND 2 (8.2 m²)
Exclusive space for regional film institutes.
Identification with the institution's logo and corporate image.
The stand includes a plasma television, a work table, three chairs and a lockable storage space.
Promotion of the institution's line-up on and social networks.
Two access badges.
Preferential access to the list of companies with confirmed acquisitions and periodic updates.
Wi-Fi service.
Access to the event's networking activities
*Get a quote
With the accreditation you will have access to the conferences, networking activities and the Industry Club, a space designed to promote the sale of titles, the negotiation of co-production agreements and networking between participating companies and institutions.
? Access to the conferences or activities organised within the framework of the market, as long as they are not restricted access.
? Access to the list of delegates and companies registered in Spanish Screenings Content one week before the event.
? Inclusion of company data and other content in
? This accreditation gives the right to access to press passes for the Official Feature Film Section and Zonazine, Official Out of Competition Section. Málaga Premiere and Mosaico Internacional Sceneat the Teatro Cervantes and Cine Albéniz and screenings at the Teatro Echegaray, the María Victoria Atencia Provincial Cultural Centre, the Tourism and Sports Hall of Andalusia, the Christine Ruiz-Picasso Auditorium and Cine Albéniz (except for the Official Feature Film Section, ZonaZine, Mosaico-Panorama Internacional and industry screenings). Subject to availability. Ticket requests must be made 48 hours in advance.
? Customer service and information point.
? Wi-Fi service.
Price: 109 euros, VAT included
Screening sessions at the Multicines Rosaleda, with access exclusively for delegates from international festival acquisition and programming companies. The screenings are organised in three sessions over the three days of the event: 10am, 12pm and 2pm.
1. To participate in the MARKET SCREENINGS and NEO SCREENINGS sections:
? Films must be registered through this link before the 14TH OF FEBRUARY 2025.
? Only Spanish films that have not been released or that have been released from the final quarter of 2024 onwards (either in market screenings, festivals or in theatres) will be accepted.
? Priority will be given to new releases and feature films that have not been screened in other international markets (International Market Premieres).
? Films that have a sales agent must be registered in the Market Screenings section and those that do not, in the Neo Screenings section.
? Films must be subtitled in English (embedded subtitles).
? The physical presence of the international sales agent or, in other circumstances, of the film producer, identified with their corresponding accreditation, is essential.
? The Spanish Screenings Content Organising Committee will select the titles based on the above-mentioned requirements, and will give priority to those that meet the requirements defined by it (potential exporter of the film, cast, budget, among others).
? Requests, as long as they meet the above requirements, will be considered in strict order of arrival until the available screening times are filled.
? If a number of films is submitted that exceeds the event's capacity and the requested time cannot be assigned, companies will be informed with sufficient notice in advance to proceed with a possible change of time or withdrawal.
? The registration of films does not imply their admission.
? It is essential to send the copies using the mechanisms, in the formats and within the deadlines communicated by the organising committee.
Price: 300 euros, VAT included
2. To participate in the MARKET PREMIERES section:
? Films must be registered through this link before the 14TH OF FEBRUARY 2025.
? Exclusive service for international sales agents.
? Only Spanish films that have not been released in any international market (International Market Premiere) will be accepted.
? Once the registration period has ended, a maximum of 4 Market Premieres will be selected.
? Films must be subtitled in English (embedded subtitles).
? The physical presence of the international sales agent, identified with his/her corresponding accreditation, is essential.
? The Spanish Screenings Content Organising Committee will select the titles based on the requirements mentioned above, and will give priority to those that meet the requirements defined by it (potential exporter of the film, cast, among others).
? The registration of films does not imply their admission.
? The selected films must be sent using the mechanisms, in the formats and within the deadlines communicated by the organising committee.
Price: 376 euros, VAT included
3. To participate in the NEXT FROM SPAIN section:
? Films must be registered through this link before the 14TH OF FEBRUARY 2025.
? Exclusive service for sales agents and regional Film Institutes.
? Only trailers or film footage of Spanish films scheduled for release from the first quarter of 2024 or early 2025 will be accepted.
? It is essential to send the promotional video or film footage subtitled in English (embedded subtitles).
? The promotional video or film footage must be sent using the mechanisms, deadlines and format communicated by the organising committee.
? The physical presence of the international sales agent or the representative of the Film Institute, identified with their corresponding accreditation, is essential.
3. To participate in the REGIONAL FILM HUB section:
? Regional Film Institutes or production companies authorised by the Institute must register the films included in the respective promotional videos through this link before the 14TH OF FEBRUARY 2025.
? Only films that have received production and/or distribution aid from their autonomous community and that do not yet have an international sales agent may be included in these videos.
? Only films that have not been released or that have been released from the fourth quarter of 2024 (either in market screenings or in theaters) will be accepted.
? The registration of the films must be authorised by the respective Autonomous Community.
? It is essential to send the copies subtitled in English (embedded subtitles).
? The videos must be sent through the mechanisms, deadlines and format that are communicated by the organising committee.
4. To participate in the FILM LIBRARY section:
? Films must be registered through this link before the 28TH OF FEBRUARY 2025.
? The sales agent/producer must be of Spanish nationality.
? To access this service, there is a requirement to be accredited in the market.
? Only films of Spanish nationality produced from the last quarter of 2023 will be accepted.
? Films that participate in the screenings at the Multicines Rosaleda can be submitted.
? It is essential to send the copies through the mechanisms, in the formats and during the deadlines that are communicated by the organising committee.
? The films must be subtitled in English (embedded subtitles).
5. To participate in the MÁLAGA SHORT CORNER section:
? Films must be registered through this link before the 10TH OF FEBRUARY 2025.
? Only short films of Spanish nationality that have not been released or that have been released in the fourth quarter of 2024 (either in market screenings, festivals or commercial theatres) will be accepted.
? Works in progress will also be accepted in their final cut, with a commitment to completion.
? Priority will be given to new releases (international premieres) and short films that have not been screened in other international markets (International Market Premieres).
? Short films that have a sales agent or distribution contract will have priority.
? It is essential to send the copies through the mechanisms, in the formats and within the deadlines communicated by the organising committee.
? The short films must be subtitled in English (embedded subtitles).
? The Organising Committee will select the titles based on the previously mentioned requirements, and will give priority to those that meet the set out requirements (export potential of the film, cast, track record of filmmakers and production companies, budget, among others).
? The registration of the films does not imply their automatic admission.
6. To participate in the REMAKE IT! section:
? Films must be registered through this link before the 14TH OF FEBRUARY 2025.
? Only audiovisual works of Spanish nationality will be accepted.
? To access this service, there is a requirement to be accredited in the market.
? The Organising Committee will give priority to those that meet the set out requirements (potential exporter of the film, genre, box office data in Spain or internationally, among others).
? Once the titles have been selected, the sales agent or producer must produce a promotional video of a maximum duration of 10 minutes.
? The videos must be sent using the mechanisms, format and within the deadlines communicated by the organising committee.
7. To participate in the SPAIN ScoreCom section:
? Those interested must register through this link before the 28TH OF FEBRUARY 2025.
? Only Spanish soundtrack composers will be accepted for registration.
? The deadline for submitting films to the Market Screenings, Neo Screenings, Next From Spain, Market Premieres, Short Corner, Regional Film Hub and Remake It! sections is the 14TH OF FEBRUARY 2025.
? The deadline for submitting films to the Film Library, to register for the Spain ScoreCom section or to be included in the market guide hosted on is the 28TH OF FEBRUARY 2025.
? You can access the registration form at the following link
? To find out the prices of the stands or for any clarification/extension of this information, do not hesitate to contact us at:
? This announcement is structured through internal development rules.