The 18th edition of Spanish Screenings Content will be held on the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th of March, 2024.

During the four days of the market, international buyers, sales agents, VOD-SVOD platform executives, festival programmers, digital creation platforms and national and international distributors will have the most recent Spanish productions at their disposal. Likewise, the delegates of the Spanish audiovisual industry will have the opportunity to access to multiple networking and negotiation opportunities for their audiovisual work.

Moreover, our platform, the website of reference for sales agents, persons in charge of programming festivals, of production, distribution, new platforms and other agents of the Spanish and international audiovisual sector, will be placed at their disposal.


For the selection of the works for the different sections of the event, the Spanish Screenings Content Committee will particularly value the follow criteria: that the works have not been screened previously in Spain; that they have received regional or state funding; that the stories they tell have a potential for international distribution, and that they are the director?s first or second film. Furthermore, in line with the transversal characteristics of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience funds, in the configuration of the different sections, special attention will be paid to gender equality and diversity in respect to directors and producers.

The following activities, amongst others, will be carried out in this edition:

Screening sessions at the Yelmo Vialia Malaga cinema, where international buyers and international festival programmers can view recently produced Spanish films. Priority will be given to films from the last quarter of 2022 and first quarter of 2023 that have only recently started to participate in other international markets.

A space prepared for four private screenings of productions that have not been premiered at any other international market (essential requirement), with the participation of the films? artistic talent
(exclusive service for Spanish sales agents).

Screenings of the most innovative and daring Spanish cinema. The latest productions and new forms of film expression that are being created in Spain will be presented. Priority will be given to films that do not have international sales agents.

Screenings of a selection of films competing in the Official Section and ZonaZine of the Malaga Film Festival, geared at international buyers, distributors and international programmers.


Screenings of trailers or film footage of films in the post-production stage that will be premiered in 2024 - 2025.
The screening sessions will last from 10 to 20 minutes and may be presented by sales agents or representatives of the regional Film Institutes.

Online platform to view Spanish films and television series produced since 2022 by the persons in charge of the acquisition, distribution and programming of international festivals.

Section devoted to the promotion of the most noteworthy productions of the animation sector. The event will comprise a series of activities, including lectures and the presentation of productions in the post-production stage with a high international potential to international producers, distributors, festivals and specialised media. It will serve as a meeting point for discussions and analysis regarding the latest trends and the positioning of the Spanish animation sector at the global level.

Activity devoted to the new sale format of the Spanish audiovisual sector, with the participation of prominent international producers.

Event for digital creators and platforms with new technological formats. A seedbed of talent at the disposal of the audiovisual industry.

A space prepared for the promotion, dissemination and distribution of the most recent and relevant short films of our industry.

A space conceived to impel completion of Spanish films in the post-production stage and boost their dissemination and promotion.

A platform for the promotion and dissemination of the films produced in the different Autonomous Communities of Spain. A space in which the Spanish Film Institutes can screen and promote the films developed and produced with their support.

A space in which the different Autonomous Communities of Spain can present their film locations, plans to support film shootings, fiscal advantages and incentives of their different regions.

SPAIN ScoreCom
With the objective of highlighting the value of the different roles of the audiovisual industry, Spain ScoreCom is a space created to boost emerging Spanish talent. Professionals of music for the audiovisual industry, and other figures that make this sector possible, will participate in programmed activities and other opportunities the market offers.

Networking event held at 1:15 pm on the days of screenings at the Yelmo Vialia Malaga cinema to promote the viewing and networking amongst the persons in charge of acquisitions or international festival programmers and sales agents or producers presenting the films.

Space for meetings, geared at producers, distributors and participants in general.


The different types of participation are described below:

1. PREMIUM STAND (2x3 metres)
Exclusive space for sales agents, distributors and film institutes, located in an area with preferential access and greater visibility. Subject to availability and criteria of the organisers. The sales agents must have at least 25 titles in their catalogue and present at least 3 new titles each year in the Market Screenings section.

- Preferential location
- Priority for screenings at the Yelmo Vialia cinema
- Identification with each company?s or institute?s logo and corporate image
- The stand includes a plasma television, work area, furniture and a storage space with key.
- Promotion of the company?s or institute?s line-up on and social media.
- Three industry accreditations
- Preferential access to the list of companies with confirmed acquisitions and shipment of regular updates
- Registration of 6 titles for the online videotheque.
- Wi-Fi service
- Access to the event?s networking activities

2. BASIC STAND (1.20x2 metres)
Exclusive space for Spanish sales agents for business meetings

- Identification with each company?s logo and corporate image
- The stand includes a plasma television, work table, three chairs and a storage space with a key.
- Promotion of the company?s line-up on and social media
- Two accreditations for access
- Preferential access to the list of companies with confirmed acquisitions and shipment of regular updates
- Registration of 4 titles for the online videotheque
- Wi-Fi service
- Access to the event?s networking activities


The accreditations will enable access to the lectures and the Industry Club, a space conceived to boost the sale of titles, negotiation of coproduction agreements and networking amongst the participating companies and institutions.

The different types of accreditations and their prices are as follows:

- Early Bird Industry Badge / Early Industry Accreditation - 125 euros VAT included (from 13 December to 15 January) -
- Industry Badge / Industry Accreditation - 175 euros VAT included (from 16 January to 8 March)
- Industry Day Pass / - Daily Industry Pass - 100 euros VAT included (from 4 to 8 March)

- Access to the lectures and activities organised in the framework of the market, provided access is not restricted.
- List of delegates and companies registered in Spanish Screenings Content before the event
- Inclusion of contact information in
- Customer service and information point
- Wi-Fi service



Exclusive screening sessions at the Yelmo Vialia Málaga for delegates of companies with acquisitions and international festival programming. The screenings are organized in three sessions during the four days of the event, namely at 10:00, 12:00 and 2:00 pm.

1. To participate in the sections MARKET SCREENINGS AND NEO SCREENINGS:
- The films must be registered through this link before 22 JANUARY, 2024.
- Only Spanish films that have not been released, or that were released in the fourth quarter of 2023 or thereafter (either at market screenings or cinemas) will be accepted.
- Priority will be given to new films and feature films that have not been screened at other international markets (International Market Premieres).
- For the Screenings section, priority will be given to the films that have a sales agent.
- The films must be subtitled in English (embedded subtitles).
- The international sales agent must be physically present, or alternatively, the film?s producer, identified with the corresponding accreditation.
? The Spanish Screenings Content Organising Committee will select the titles on the basis of the criteria mentioned above, and will give priority to those that comply with the requirements it has defined (film?s potential for export, and cast, amongst others).
? Providing they comply with the previous requirements, applications will be processed on a first come basis until all available screening times have been filled.
- In the event that the number of films submitted is greater than the capacity of the event, and the requested screening time cannot be assigned, companies will be informed with sufficient time in advance to request another time or withdraw their application.
- The registration of films does not entail their acceptance.
- Copies must be sent by means of the mechanisms, in the formats and within the deadlines communicated by the organising committee.
- A number of free quotas will be assigned to Spanish sales agents and regional Film Institutes, and they will be offered the possibility of contracting a limited number of screenings until the total quota is reached. For paid screenings, the times will be assigned by order of registration and payment.

300 euros VAT included (the preferred time will be assigned per order of payment, until all available quotas have been sold)

2. To participate in the section MARKET PREMIERES:
- The films must be registered through this link before 15 JANUARY, 2024.
- Exclusive service for international sales agents.
- Only Spanish films that have not been premiered at any international market (International Market Premiere).
- Once the registration deadline has passed, a maximum of 4 Market Premieres will be selected.
- The films must be subtitled in English (embedded subtitles).
- The international sales agent must be physically present, identified with the corresponding accreditation.
- The Spanish Screenings Content Organising Committee will select the titles on the basis of the aforementioned requirements, and will give priority to those that comply with the requirements it has established (film?s export potential, cast, amongst others).
- The registration of the films does not entail their acceptance.
- Selected films must be sent by means of the mechanisms, in the formats and within the deadlines communicated by the organising committee.

376 euros VAT included (18:30h - 20:30h)

2. To participate in the section NEXT FROM SPAIN
- The films must be registered through this link before 22 JANUARY, 2024.
- Exclusive service for sales agents and regional Film Institutes.
- Only trailers or film footage of Spanish films of Spanish films the release of which is expected for the first quarter of 2024 or beginning of 2025 will be accepted.
- A promotional video or film footage with subtitles in English (embedded subtitles) must be sent.
- The promotional video or film footage must be sent by means of the mechanisms, within the deadlines and in the formats communicated by the organising committee.
? The international sales agent or the representative of the Film Institute must be physically present, identified with the corresponding accreditation.

3. To participate in the section REGIONAL FILM HUB
- The films must be registered through this link before 22 JANUARY, 2024.
- Only films that have received aid from their Autonomous Community for production and/or distribution, and that do not have an international sales agent, will be accepted.
- Only films that have not been released, or that were released as of the fourth quarter of 2023 (either at market screenings or cinemas).
- The registration of the films must be authorised by the respective Autonomous Community.
- The copies must be sent with English subtitles (embedded subtitles).
- The film(s) must be sent by means of the mechanisms, within the deadlines and with the formats communicated by the organising committee.
- The film?s producer must be physically present, identified with the corresponding accreditation.
- The Organising Committee will select the titles on the basis of the aforementioned criteria, and will give priority to those that comply with the requirements it has defined.

4. To participate in the section FILM LIBRARY:
- The films must be registered through this link before 22 JANUARY, 2024.
- The sales agent/film producer must be Spanish.
- In order to have access to this service, it is essential to be accredited in the market.
- Only Spanish films produced starting in the last quarter of 2022 will be accepted.
- Films that participate in the screenings at the Yelmo cinema may be presented.
- The copies must be sent by means of the mechanisms, the formats and within the deadlines communicated by the organising committee.
- The films must be subtitled in English (embedded subtitles).
- The Organising Committee will select the titles on the basis of the aforementioned criteria, and will give priority to those that comply with the requirements it has defined (film?s potential for export, and cast, amongst others).

5. To participate in the section ANIMATION HUB
Films in post-production
- The films must be registered through this link before 15 JANUARY, 2024.
- Companies and films presented in this call for applications must be Spanish and the films must be in the post production stage.
- A limited number of animation films in post-production (WIP) will be selected for the pitch and in-person screening.
- A 10 to 12-minute clip of each selected film will be shown with embedded English subtitles will be screened.
- The producer of the film must be present.
? The selected films must be sent by means of the mechanisms, in the formats, with the running time and within the deadlines communicated by the organising committee.

6. To participate in the section MÁLAGA SHORT CORNER
- The films must be registered through this link before 15 JANUARY, 2024.
- Only Spanish short films that have not been released, or that were released as of the fourth quarter of 2023 (either at market screenings, festivals or commercial cinemas), will be accepted.
- Work-in-progress at the final cut stage will be accepted with the commitment that the film will be finished.
- Priority will be given to new films (international premiere) and short films that have not been screened at other international markets (International Market Premieres).
- Short films that have sales agents or a distribution contract will have priority.
- The copies must be sent by means of the mechanisms, in the formats and within the deadlines communicated by the organising committee.
- The short films must have English subtitles (embedded subtitles).
- The Organising Committee will select the titles on the basis of the aforementioned criteria, and will give priority to the ones that comply with the requirements it has defined (film?s potential for export, cast, career of filmmakers and production companies, and budget, amongst others).
- The registration of films does not entail their acceptance.

7. To participate in the section REMAKE DAY
- The films must be registered through this link before 15 JANUARY, 2024.
- Only Spanish audiovisual productions will be accepted.
- Exclusive service for Spanish sales agents.
- In order to have access to this service, it is essential to be accredited in the market.
- The Organising Committee will select a máximum of 5 titles per sales agent.
- The Organising Committee will give priority to those that comply with the requirements it has defined (film?s potential for export, genre, box office sale and cast, amongst others).
- Once the titles have been selected, the sales agent must produce a promotional video of 10- 20 minutes as a maximum.
- The copies must be sent by means of the mechanisms, the format and within the deadlines communicated by the organising committee.

8. To participate in the section SPAIN ScoreCom
- The films must be registered through this link before 22 JANUARY, 2024.
- Only registration of Spanish composers of film scores will be accepted.
- In order to have access to this service, it is essential to be accredited in the market.


- The deadline for the registration of short films WIP animation projects, remakes and market premieres is 15 JANUARY, 2024.

- The deadline for the registration of films in the other sections is 22 JANUARY, 2024.

- The deadline to appear in the market guide uploaded in is 21 FEBRUARY, 2024.

- You can access the registration form with this link.

- For any clarification of this information, or further information, please contact us through:

- This call for applications is articulated by means of the internal development rules.
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