As part of the Spain, Audiovisual Hub of Europe Plan and with the funding of the Component 25, Spain Audiovisual Hub, of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, Spanish production will be promoted through the Spanish Screenings On Tour initiative. The third edition of this initiative will be held within the framework of the AMERICAN FILM MARKET, which will take place in the city of Las Vegas, United States, from 5 to 10 November 2024 (

During the five days of the AMERICAN FILM MARKET, the Spanish audiovisual industry will have a prominent presence in one of the most strategic markets in the world, in front of international buyers, sales agents, decision-makers, investors, festival programmers, production companies and the most important key players in the North American and international film industry. A unique opportunity to promote the internationalization of Spanish audiovisual in all genres and formats, and at different stages of development and production.

Spanish audiovisual companies are invited to register their projects and films in each of the six categories to be presented at the AMERICAN FILM MARKET, as part of Spanish Screenings On Tour before the deadline.

The call for Market Screenings and Next from Spain will be open from 31 July to 20 August 2024. The call for projects and companies will be open from 31 July to 6 September 2024. The activities that will take place in the AMERICAN FILM MARKET are classified into 6 categories:

I. SPANISH ANIMATION SHOWCASE: Projects in advanced development. A maximum of 5 projects will be selected. Call for Spanish feature film or series projects in the final stages of financing. Selected productions will present their project in English to accredited buyers and decision-makers at the AMERICAN FILM MARKET and will have access to a networking session at the end of the presentations. Call focused on animation production companies.

II. SPANISH FANTASTIC SHOWCASE: for real image projects of fantasy, science fiction or horror genre in advanced stages of development. A maximum of 5 projects will be selected. Call for Spanish feature film or series projects in the final stages of financing. Selected productions will present their project in English to accredited buyers and decision-makers at the AMERICAN FILM MARKET and will have access to a networking session at the end of the presentations. Call focused on production companies.

III. SPANISH REMAKES SHOWCASE: Films with potential for adaptation. A maximum of 5 titles will be selected. A day dedicated to this booming sales format for the Spanish audiovisual industry, open to prominent international professionals accredited to the AMERICAN FILM MARKET. The selected sales agents will screen a maximum 7' cut of the film, give a short presentation in English and have access to a networking session at the end of the presentations.

IV. SPANISH PRODUCERS SHOWCASE: Presentation of a selection of companies with a proven track record in the audiovisual market and extensive international experience. A maximum of 10 companies will be selected. The selected companies will make a presentation in English of their company (brief track record and profile) and current projects to accredited buyers and decision-makers at the AMERICAN FILM MARKET and will have access to a networking session at the end of the presentations.

V. MARKET SCREENINGS: Space created in collaboration with the AMERICAN FILM MARKET for the screening of Spanish productions. These exclusive sessions offer sales agents a strategic opportunity to present new films to international buyers. Detailed invitation and registration form available on the ICEX website.

VI. NEXT FROM SPAIN: As part of AFM, Spanish sales agents will be able to present trailers or teasers of their films in production with a release date in 2025. Detailed call for entries and registration via the form on the ICEX website.

In addition, companies selected to participate in Spanish Screening On Tour@AMERICAN FILM MARKET will be able to use meeting tables in the suites set up for this purpose, subject to prior reservation and availability. Each meeting will have a maximum duration of 20 minutes.

In order to achieve greater visibility, the films, series, projects and companies selected for Spanish Screenings On Tour will be able to participate in the virtual platform and other promotional materials within and beyond the market. Once the selection has been confirmed, the Organizing Committee of Spanish Screenings On Tour will contact you to request the necessary information and/or materials to register the works on the platform.

The different categories and requirements for the participation and presentation of films and projects in Spanish Screenings On Tour 2024 are detailed below.


  • Call for Spanish fiction feature film and series projects that are in development or at an advanced stage of financing.

  • The Animation Showcase is restricted to animated projects.

  • For the Fantastic Showcase, it is restricted to live-action fantasy, science fiction and/or horror projects.

  • The Spanish Screenings On Tour organizing committee will select a maximum of 5 projects for this section.

  • Projects must be in an advanced stage of development and seeking financing, co-producers, sales and/or distributors.

  • Projects may be submitted by legal or natural persons of Spanish nationality. They must be Spanish projects or co-productions with a majority Spanish partner.

  • If the audiovisual work is an international co-production, a contract or deal memo must be submitted, stating the percentage of participation of each country and the recognition of the co-production.

  • All materials submitted in this context must be in English.

  • 7-minute pitch session per project: Representatives of each project will have the opportunity to pitch their project in English to the international industry professionals attending the event.

  • The project is not yet completed and will not be released until after the AMERICAN FILM MARKET 2024.

  • The project should not have a sales agent at this stage.

  • Web, catalogue and promotional materials must be sent within the deadlines and formats specified by the AMERICAN FILM MARKET and Spanish Screenings On Tour.

  • The physical presence of the project's lead producer is an obligatory requirement.

  • Projects open to international co-production, especially with the Anglo-Saxon market, will be considered for selection.

  • Priority will be given to projects with at least 80% of the budget secured and to projects with potential interest for the international market.

  • Projects selected in previous editions of Spanish Screenings On Tour and Spanish Screenings Content will not be accepted.

  • Special consideration will be given to projects that have not participated in other international markets.

  • Only projects with complete documentation (application form and required documentation) submitted before the deadline will be considered.

  • Only projects that guarantee the market presence of the main producer will be considered.

  • Each project will receive a professional accreditation for the AMERICAN FILM MARKET.

  • A meeting table will be made available to the selected projects upon request.

  • Registration of projects for the SPANISH ANIMATION SHOWCASE and SPANISH FANTASTIC SHOWCASE must be done through this form.

A. Online form
B. Additional documentation

IMPORTANT: Documents must be attached to the online registration in PDF format (maximum 3MB per document). Please note that your entry will not be complete and will not be accepted if you do not attach all the required documents and information.

Additional documentation for fiction films:

  • Project dossier.

  • Story treatment (maximum 10 pages).

  • Budget summary.

  • Financing plan in euros (including secured financing and its sources).

  • Letter of motivation from the producer (maximum 2 pages).

  • A project progress sheet describing the stage of completion of the project production and the timetable to be followed.

  • A document signed by the director and producer acknowledging the copyright of the work.

  • Aesthetic proposal (maximum 1 page).

  • Distribution and marketing plan.

Additional documentation for series:

  • A storyline consisting of 3 chapters (with a maximum of 500 characters per chapter).

  • If based on a pre-existing work, include a statement on the exploitation rights of the work.

  • Project bible or dossier.

  • Story treatment (maximum 10 pages).

  • Budget summary.

  • Financing plan in euros (including secured financing and its sources).

  • Letter of motivation from the producer (maximum 2 pages).

  • A project progress sheet describing the stage of completion of the project production and the timetable to be followed.

  • Document signed by the director and producer acknowledging the copyright of the work.

  • Aesthetic proposal (maximum 1 page).

  • Distribution and marketing plan.

II. To participate in the SPANISH REMAKES SHOWCASE:
The Organizing Committee of Spanish Screenings On Tour will select a maximum of 5 works (feature films or series) with a high potential for adaptation.

  • Priority will be given to works for which remake rights are available for the Anglo-Saxon market.

  • Priority will be given to works with greater international potential for the sale of remake rights, this time in the Anglo-Saxon market.

  • Priority will be given to works produced after 2020.

  • Only works of Spanish nationality will be accepted, whether they are feature films or series.

  • The physical presence of the international sales agent at the presentation is essential.

  • To register films for the SPANISH REMAKES SHOWCASE, please use this form.


  • Call for Spanish production companies with a feature-length fiction film or series project at an advanced stage of development or financing.

  • The Organizing Committee of Spanish Screenings On Tour will select up to 10 companies for this section, with at least 2 to 4 projects per year and budgets of at least 2 million Euros.

  • The projects must be submitted by legal entities with Spanish nationality.

  • They must be Spanish projects or co-productions with a majority Spanish partner.

  • If the audiovisual work is an international co-production, a contract or deal memo must be submitted to prove the percentage of participation of each country and the recognition of the co-production.

  • The project is still in progress and will premiere after the AMERICAN FILM MARKET 2024.

  • Web and catalogue materials must be submitted within the deadlines and formats specified by the AMERICAN FILM MARKET and Spanish Screenings On Tour.

  • The physical presence of the project's lead producer is an essential requirement.

  • Projects open to international co-production, especially with the Anglo-Saxon market, will be considered for selection.

  • Priority will be given to projects with potential interest for the international market.

  • Only projects for which complete documentation (application form and required documentation) has been submitted by the deadline will be considered.

  • Only companies that guarantee the market presence of the main producer of the submitted project will be considered.

  • Meeting space will be made available to selected companies upon request.

  • Companies with extensive experience in international co-productions will be selected and priority will be given to companies that have co-produced with Anglo-Saxon production companies.

  • Priority will be given to companies that currently have a project in the final stages of funding.

  • Priority will be given to companies whose participation in the AFM is essential to complete the financing of the project.

To register films for the SPANISH PRODUCERS SHOWCASE, please use this form.

IV. To participate in the MARKET SCREENINGS section:

  • Spanish Screenings On Tour will select a maximum of 16 feature films for onsite screenings and 8 feature films for online screenings.

  • Only completed Spanish films or co-productions with Spain with a minimum running time of 60 minutes and a maximum running time of 115 minutes will be selected.

  • Only unreleased films represented by their Spanish sales agent will be accepted.

  • Only films that are not available on streaming platforms will be selected.

  • A maximum of 5 market screening proposals per company will be accepted for consideration.

  • International debuts would be an additional advantage.

  • Materials and screening prints of the film(s) must be submitted in accordance with AMERICAN FILM MARKET rules.

  • Materials must be sent through the mechanisms, in the formats and by the deadlines communicated by the Organizing Committee.

  • The physical presence of the international sales agent is essential.

  • Films must have English subtitles (embedded subtitles).

  • The decision of the selection committee is final.

  • Registration of films does not imply their acceptance.

  • To submit films for the MARKET SCREENINGS section, please use the form on the ICEX website.

V. To participate in the NEXT FROM SPAIN section:

  • Only videos containing trailers, teasers or clips of approximately 15 minutes of Spanish films or co-productions with Spain will be selected.

  • Only films scheduled for release in 2025 and represented by their Spanish sales agent will be accepted.

  • Materials and prints of the film(s) must be submitted in accordance with the rules of the AMERICAN FILM MARKET.

  • Materials must be sent through the mechanisms, in the formats and within the deadlines communicated by the Organizing Committee.

  • The physical presence of the international sales agent is essential.

  • Films must have English subtitles (embedded subtitles).

  • The decision of the selection committee is final.

  • Registration of films does not imply their acceptance.

  • To submit films for the NEXT FROM SPAIN section, please use the form on the ICEX website.

By accepting these terms and conditions, you authorize AMERICAN FILM MARKET and Spanish Screenings to reproduce and publish free of charge the graphic and audiovisual material provided in the registration on their social networks and communication channels. With the exception of teasers and materials under construction, which cannot be shown to the general public.

Registration for the presentation of a project or film implies acceptance of these regulations and the commitment to guarantee the presence of a representative at the event if the project is selected.

Any circumstance not foreseen in these terms and conditions will be resolved by the organizers of Spanish Screenings On Tour.


  • A working group made up of representatives from Spanish Screenings, ICEX and ICAA will be responsible for the selection of projects and films.

  • In order to give the greatest visibility and opportunity to all audiovisual works, the selection criteria for the different categories will give priority to productions of great artistic value, as well as their potential for international distribution, their suitability for the AMERICAN FILM MARKET, especially the most diverse productions, as well as those most suitable for co-production or international distribution, with the aim of representing as many independent and pluralistic visions as possible.

  • The organization will contact the selected films and projects from the second week of September.

The organization of Spanish Screenings On Tour will provide 1 accreditation, 1 flight ticket for the representative of the project/film (1 person per company) and 5 nights accommodation from 4th to 9th November 2024 in a single room, breakfast included, for the representative of the company.

The registration deadline for Market Screenings and Next from Spain is 20 August 2024 at 14:00 (mainland time) and for the other categories is 6 September 2024 at 23:59 (mainland time).

Spanish Screenings On Tour 2024@AFM

Spanish Screenings On Tour 2024@AFM

For any further information or clarification, please contact us by email:

Once we have received your application, you will receive a confirmation email.

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