
MAFIZ Malaga Work in Progress is coming with the participation of 12 projects in online format

The industry zone’s event geared at projects from Spain, Portugal and Latin America will be held from 20th May to 11th Junio.

The Malaga Film Festival has selected the twelve projects that will participate in Malaga Work in Progress, an event that is part of MAFIZ (Malaga Festival Industry Zone) and is geared at Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American films. Its objective is to conslidate the event’s commitment to the diversity of identities and languages of Latin America and its audiovisual industry. This year Malaga Work in Progress has been renovated with a more useful design better suited to current times to continue working to enhance the projects of creators in Spain, Portugal and Latin America.

Malaga WIP is organised by the Malaga City Council and the Malaga Film Festival in collaboration with ICAA (Institute of Cinematography and Visual Arts of Spain), IBERMEDIA and FIPCA (Ibero-American Federation of Film and Audiovisual Producers).

The fourth edition of Malaga WIP will be held from the 20th of May to the 11th of Junio 2021 in the framework of the 24th Malaga Film Festival, with the objective of promoting the financing of films by presenting them to prominent industry professionals; enhancing their dissemination and promotion; supporting the completion of films in the postproduction phase and making their international distribution feasible.

The participating films have been selected by a committee of prestigious experts and will be screened for professionals attending MAFIZ and the 24th Malaga Film Festival, sales agents, international distributors, festival programmers, international funds and producers. The films selected for Malaga WIP’s two different sections are the following:

1. Malaga WIP Spain: designed to boost the completion of fiction films and documentaries in the final cut phase, ready for the post production process and that are seeking to ensure their international distribution. Six Spanish films will participate in this section:

• Mi vacío y yo, by Adrián Silvestre. Producer: Testamento
• O auto das ánimas, by Pablo Lago Dantas. Producer: Diana Toucedo Films
• Kao mali list, by Manel Raga. Producer: La Foradada Films
• Tolyatti Adrift, by Laura Sisteró. Producer: Boogaloo Films

• Canción a una dama en la sombra, by Carolina Astudillo. Producer: Cornelius Films
• Fenómenos de Marte(L), by Renzo GuillermoTemporetti Fochi, Lorena Barrera Enciso, Marta Masferrer, Roberto Drilea and Arturo Maciel. Producer: La Selva Ecosistema Creatiu

2. Malaga WIP Latin-America: designed to promote the completion of fiction feature films and documentaries in the final cut phase, ready for the post production process and that are seeking to ensure their international distribution. Six Latin American films will participate in this section:
• La barbarie, by Andrew Sala. Producer: Le tiro, Argentina
• Oeste otra vez, by Erico Rassi. Producer: Panaceia Filmes, Brazil
• Los de abajo, by Alejandro Quiroga. Producer: Empatia Cinema, Bolivia / Colombia
• Mujer periferia, by Sol Bolloqui. Producer: Florencia Bianco, Argentina
• Martínez, by Lorena Padilla. Producer: Off-Hollywood Films / Monofilms, Mexico
• Saudade fez morada aquí dentro, by Haroldo Borges. Producer: Plano 3 Filmes, Brazil

The projects selected to participate in Malaga WIP will be competing for the following awards:

- Malaga Film Festival: 5,000 euros for a Latin American Project and 5,000 euros for a Spanish project.
- Aracne Digital Cinema: an award consisting of post-production (Masters, deliveries and final copy) worth 15,000 euros, for one of the projects
- Damita Joe: an award consisting of national distribution for one of the projects about the Zwitserse replica horloges
- Latam Cinema.Com: an award consisting of a page of advertising in the journal LatAm Cinema for a project from Latin America
- Latido Films: an award of 10,000 euros as an advance for distribution
- Music Library: the musical supervision division ACORDE of Music Library &SFX will give a 300 euro cash award, together with a flat production fee worth 300 euros, to a Latin American project, and will also give the same award to a Spanish project
- Cine&Tele: an award consisting of a page of advertising in the journal Cine &Tele for a project from Latin America.
- Yagán Films: a sound post-production award worth 13,000 euros

The following collaborating festivals are committed to selecting a Malaga WIP project to participate in their industry laboratory:

- SANFIC INDUSTRIA - Santiago International Film Festival
- FIDBA - Buenos Aires International Documentary Film Festival
- ABYCINE - Albacete International Film Festival
- REC - Tarragona International Film Festival

Malaga WIP’s last edition was held online, with the collaboration of EGEDA, from the 23rd of March to the 10th of April, 2020, entailing an effort by the Malaga Film Festival to successfully adapt its contents to the circumstances caused by the coronavirus pandemic and postponement of the Film Festival’s 23rd edition, initially programmed for the 13th to the 22nd of March and finally held in August.

Two of the projects that participated in last year’s edition were amongst the films nominated for the 2021 Goya Awards: the Spanish film Ane, directed by David Pérez Sañudo and produced by Elena Maeso, which won the Latido Award – International Distribution, the Aracne Award- post-production image and the Music Library Spanish WIP Award and was nominated for five Goyas (best film, best new director, best-adapted screenplay, best leading actress and best revelation actress); and the Mexican film Ya no estoy aquí, directed by Fernando Frías de la Parra and produced by Gerardo Gatica and Alberto Muffelmann, nominated for best Latin American film.

19 May 2021

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