
The third edition of Malaga Short Corner will present 58 short films grouped into eight thematic areas and fifteen sessions

The aim of the initiative is to give visibility to the national short film genre

The aim of the initiative is to give visibility to the national short film genre

The third edition of Malaga Short Corner, one of the sections of MAFIZ, the Festival de Málaga Industry zone, will present a total of 58 Spanish short films grouped into eight thematic areas and fifteen sessions to an audience of professionals specialising in the genre between 18 and 20 March. Round tables, presentations and meetings will complete the programme at the Industry Club Malaga Short Corner Pop-up Show.

The event aims to give visibility to recent Spanish short film productions, presenting work by young filmmakers and film students as well as established professionals, bringing together national and international professionals specialising in the genre from production, distribution and purchasing companies and festival programmers.

The thematic groups for the sessions are: 2cool4school, work by film students; Spanish Bombs from Andalusia, Andalusian productions; Spanish Bombs Anim, animated short films; Spanish Bombs Docs, documentary short films; Spanish Fant & Screams, fantasy and horror genre; Spanish Fics, dedicated to fiction; Spanish Queers, LGTBIQA+ themed; and Murcia Guest Region, with films from the autonomous region featured in Territories.

As in the two previous editions, Malaga Short Corner will organise a series of round tables and presentations in which leading professionals will review the sector and professional meetings at the Malaga Short Corner Pop-Up Show, in the section's own space at the Industry Club.

Málaga Short Corner, in collaboration with Festhome, will award for the second consecutive year the Best Short Film Award among those selected for its Market Screenings, where 58 works are participating. The winning short film will receive a Distribution Pass, which includes six free months of festival registration fees within the Festhome platform, as well as the selection of the work at Cinergias Festival Iberoamericano de Cine, organised by Festhome, and which includes an automatic selection fee of 200 euros.

This year, Malaga Short Corner is launching an award for the Best Short Film Project in Development, in collaboration with the Sarajevo International Youth Film Festival (OFF) and its Pro Film Market, consisting of its selection at the OFF Pro Film Market pitching sessions (July 2025). The winning project will be chosen from eight short film projects by Spanish participants of Málaga Talent and Hack Málaga.

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