
6 producers’ projects led by women have been selected to participate in the WOMEN FILMMAKERS workshops of MAFIZ

The call develops the agreement signed between the female filmmakers’ associations CIMA, AAMMA and Mujeres en VO from Malaga to encourage the participation of women in film.

During Festival de Málaga, the producers with selected projects will attend workshops designed to help the internationalisation and insertion of their films on the international market.

In this year’s workshops, we pay attention to the internationalisation of projects with creative consultancy to generate viable and quality audiovisual projects that facilitate their insertion in the world market.

The six projects that have been selected are Cosas de Chicos produced by Ángeles Maseo from Lolaloba produce, Cuántica Rave, produced by Pilar Campano, from La Zanfoña company, Cuerpo Quimera by Delia Márquez, from Agudeza Visual, Siempre Vuelven, by Marta Alamillo from The Flow Studio, Las débiles, produced by Laura Muñoz with 24violets and Brando by Alazne González, presented with La Loma Blanca.

Those are fiction projects of very diverse genres, such as fantasy, horror, comedy…and also music and dance documentaries with particular approaches and views.

In addition to the workshops, these projects will be able to participate in the MAFIZ networking spaces attended by European and Latin American professionals.

26 February 2024

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