
Music Library & SFX’s music supervision division Acorde in MAFIZ

Music Library & SFX’s music supervision division Acorde in MAFIZ contributes with con Spanish Screenings Content – Spain Scorecom

Spanish Screenings XXL is part of the component 'Spain, Audiovisual Hub of Europe' of the Plan for Recovery, Transformation and Resilience promoted by the Ministry of Culture and Sports and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation

Music Library &SFX’s music supervision division Acorde will award two cash prizes of 300€, plus unlimited access to the production music distributed by Music Library &SFX, to the winning WIP projects as selected by the Festival juries in the following sections: MALAGA WIP and MALAGA WIP LATIN AMERICA.


Music Library & SFX’s music supervision division Acorde will award three cash prizes of 300€, plus unlimited access to the production music distributed by Music Library &SFX, to the winning MAFF projects as selected by the Festival juries in the following sections: MAFF Latin American, MAFF Ibero American and MAFF Women Screen Industry.

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